Take 1: A billion-dollar movie ain’t what it used to be (heard of Toy Story 3?). In the midst of its kind of silly, Captain Marvel de-ages Samuel L. Jackson. For a moment I smiled, but then I remembered I could re-watch Jungle Fever to see both a good movie and a younger SLJ.
Take 2: Captain Marvel seems able to defeat all comers. Why doesn’t she pause, here and there, to stop a rape or a genocide, or two, on her way to a final confrontation with aliens?
Take 3: In Captain Marvel Carol Danvers chases an alien on a train, inside which Stan Lee mumbles about the script to Mallrats. Perfect.
Take 4: One of the best parts of Captain Marvel is when “Only Happy When It Rains” scores our heroine’s transition into grunge wear, 1995.
–December 31, 2020