What is a Rating?

The Fun-O-Meter measures emotional impact, whether something is EntertainingPleasant, or Challenging.

  • Entertaining movies are a good use of leisure time. 
  • Pleasant movies are enjoyable distractions.
  • Challenging movies require work to interpret, which some consider a negative trait, although Challenging can signal excellence.

The Endurance Calculator estimates lasting value, whether something is ClassicWell-Made, or Disposable.

  • Classic movies should be shared across generations.
  • Well-Made movies showcase a level of craft that is impressive.
  • Disposable movies are unimportant and a waste of time, energy, and money, so anything Disposable should be ignored.

When combined, the Fun-O-Meter and Endurance Calculator produce nine possibilities:

"These are the words I said to you," sayeth the Curator, Garrett Chaffin-Quiray